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Troubleshooting Computer Issues

Wifi Connection

Ensure you are connected to vuNet for WiFi. This will not work on any of the other WiFi ssids.

How to Connect to vuNet


Third Party Antivirus & Firewalls

A third party antivirus or firewall might be blocking your ability to send a print job. You should see three pop-up windows appear everytime to you.

  1. Enter your vunetid (you computer communicating to the system using port 28203)
  2. Enter your password  (you computer communicating to the system using port 28203)
  3. The system prompts you to accept the charges for printing the document (the system communicating to your computer on port 28201)

If you do not see pop-up 3, then your computer is blocking communication on port 28201. If you are unable to see this last pop-up and click yes, then the system will never receive your document you want to print.

The vuPrint driver communicates with your computer on port 28201. You computer communicates with the printing system using port 28203. You either need to disable your firewall or anti-virus or search for a way to allow communication on ports 28201 and 28203.

Windows machines, add an exception for “Pharos Comm Task Master”. For Mac’s, add an exception for “”. If you have any questions or problems with this please contact our office


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